Friday, August 28, 2020
Flight or Fight Response
Flight or Fight Specific Purpose: Inform individuals about the â€Å"Fight or Flight†reaction and the better comprehend the manner in which the body reacts to certain pressure. I. Presentation: Driving your folks home one night you start to lose control of the vehicle and crash. You're ready to get away from the vehicle safe, yet notice one of your folks are stuck inside with the entryway stuck and the vehicle ablaze. Your pulse starts to rise and you feel this flood of vitality course through your body. You respond and rip the entryway off the vehicle and spare your parent. This may seem like a story off a film, however could and has really occurred in actuality for some people.The flood of vitality that permits our bodies to do exceptional and stunning things is called adrenaline. This adrenaline originates from the body’s reaction, which is known as the â€Å"Fight or Flight†reaction. Today I’m going to educate you about the compound adrenaline, what the battle or flight reaction is, and how it is both acceptable and terrible for us. A. Enticement: I’m going to utilize a story presentation, which includes friends and family in trouble. B. Importance to Audience: Everyone will need to know how the battle or flight can be actuated and furthermore everybody encounters worry for the duration of their lives. C.Thesis: What is the concoction adrenaline and the battle or flight reaction and furthermore what are the advantages and disadvantages. D. Believability: I experience adrenaline in sports each day and have done many exploration papers on it in High School. E. See Main Points: The central matters incorporate what adrenaline is, the thing that the battle or flight reaction is and what the upsides and downsides are. F. Change to First Main Point: So what’s adrenaline? The greater part of you may definitely think about it and may have encountered it in your life. II. First central matter. The synthetic adrenaline. A. A drenaline is a synthetic response that is delivered by two adrenal organs, situated by kidney. Harrison) 1. The organs produce the substance and siphon into the circulatory system when the body is presented to a possible danger. (Harrison) 2. Since the adrenaline must experience the entire body, it might take two or three seconds to completely feel the impact of the adrenaline surge. a. It raises the pulse and circulatory strain. b. Changes the progression of the blood legitimately to the muscles. (This makes you quicker and more grounded. ) B. A few people have various impacts to it than others too. 1. An individual may feel invigorated, have a frail stomach, and additionally unsteady and confounded during the hurry. ( Harrison) 2.Some individuals may even feel like they are in moderate movement or have exclusive focus. a. In some cases may not feel torment by any stretch of the imagination. b. Not every one of these encounters may happen during the surge however some will. Progres s to Second Main Point: All of these impacts are setting up the body to escape or battle. This is the â€Å"fight or flight†reaction. III. Second central matter. Battle or Flight reaction. A. The battle or flight reaction is simply the body’s resistance component, that readies the body to escape or battle from a risky or destructive circumstance. (Babu) 1. At the point when our bodies experience a staggering measure of pressure that may appear to be destructive the response is activated. . The activity can be activated as a result of the nerve center. Which is a territory of the mind the beginnings an arrangement of cell terminating and synthetic discharge that readies our body. (Babu) a. Individuals might have the option to lift vehicles during the reaction or run at world record speeds. b. The synthetic that is discharged is adrenaline. Change to Third Main Point: Now that you realize what and how the reaction functions, you have to comprehend what the advantages an d disadvantages are of the reaction. IV. Third central matter. Upsides and downsides. A. The geniuses of the reaction. 1. At the point when the reaction is activated it changes the progression of blood legitimately to our muscles and appendages more.Allowing us to be more grounded and quicker. 2. Likewise are students enlarged and our mindfulness increments, permitting us to check the earth. (Babu) a. Every one of these signs permit the body to be placed in the best physical and mental shape. B. Cons of the reaction. 1. As the reaction makes us increasingly mindful of things around us, some may become neurotic and harmed honest individuals. 2. It can likewise change the manner in which we feel torment. Our body may permit us to lift a vehicle, however a short time later we might be feeling the agony of lifting the vehicle. A few muscles may tear without us knowing. (Babu) C. Optional)So while the reaction may be acceptable, it can likewise be extremely crushing. Change to Conclusion : Now comprehending what adrenaline is, the means by which it is utilized in the flight or battle reaction and the upsides and downsides of reaction, you can be increasingly mindful of your body’s responses to destructive pressure. V. End. A. Is remembered for the change. B. So whenever you feel hurt or compromised, you will feel the adrenaline surge and initiate your bodies battle flight reaction. Furthermore, who knows may even get a vehicle. Note: Must satisfy university guidelines of punctuation, full Sentences all through, twofold dispersed, one inch edges, 12 inch Times New R
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Language Variation and Register Analysis
Question: Talk about the Language Variation and Register Analysis. Answer: Presentation The article endeavors to characterize the signs, language variety and register examination in the Hindi language identifying with a discourse by Narendra Modi at the Chandwa Rally in Jharkhand. The register can be named as the setting of the particular circumstance with a lot of characterized implications and the setup of semantic sources (Crum, Hartkens Hill, 2014). Register is a mix of three factors field, tenor and mode. In any case, semiotics states sign as the particular word, which gets a significance when it is utilized in a particular setting or differentiating the arrangement of different signs. The signifier and implied are different segments of sign framing a partner connect between the two (Coward Ellis, 2016). The point of the examination is to characterize the language variety of the concerned language, Hindi, and by putting the register investigation the reason or the specific situation or the field has been characterized. Here the setting is a political situation, whe re the eminent legislator has come to deliver the nearby individuals to decide in favor of their own great and the success and all round advancement of their state. The tenor and the made can be characterized as the job structure of the talk and the reason for the communicated in language individually. The language Hindi has been created through an extensive stretch, generally in the seventh century A.D. It has been developed as the undermined discourse or a declined assortment of Prakrit (Perera, 2015). The language has a few tongues, as it is spoken in a wide scope of zone. The casual type of Hindi has built up its structures in light of the shared coherence between the spoken and the composed structure. Be that as it may, in the greater part of the conventional circumstances, the proper type of Hindi is utilized. In the concerned case of discourse taken for the venture, the government official has blended both the formal and the casual types of language. In the more extensive sense, Hindi is a critical piece of the Indo Aryan lingo continuum, lying in the social Hindi belt of India. For the most part the conversational Hindi is known as the Hindusthani, which is a blended language of Hindi and Urdu and created under numerous impacts because of the attacks all through hundreds of years. There are quantities of credit words in Hindi, from Arabic, Turkish and Persian language and some of them are from English also in view of the immediate contact with British in the pilgrim time frame. As indicated by Lazzarato (2014), the register is the assorted variety in the dialects, utilized for the particular purposes. It can likewise be characterized as the level or the vehicle of convention utilized in the language while spoken. The circumstance taken here alludes to a proper circumstance, on the grounds that the legislator is here tending to the nearby individuals in the meeting in an unassuming community and requesting votes, which is being broadcasted in the national media. The discourse is spoken the proper type of Hindi, for the most part the Suddh Hindi. Be that as it may, the mechanism of the talk is oral, yet not unconstrained, the way of the talk is totally formal, in light of the fact that the government official is tending to a colossal horde of neighborhood individuals, in spite of the fact that he has utilized scarcely any casual structures, yet he has appeared to be a lot of cognizant about utilizing the proper rendition of the language. Hindi language is the mixture of numerous societies and particularly the proper Hindi is involved a few words structure the Sanskrit language. There are scarcely any words in the language which has indicated the particular variety in the language. The type of language utilized here, isn't commonly utilized in an easygoing circumstance. A few Sanskrit words have been utilized in the discourse, for example, Hindi English Translation Phonetic Transcription hatya murdering hatya vyakt Portray vyakt Garima pride garima Naman bow Naman Varsh Year varsh The etymological or the practical investigation of the taken discourse shows the field, tenor and method of the discourse. The three factors of register can be dissected here. The field is the idea of the social activity occurring; field is additionally a part of the circumstance (Szmrecsanyi Wlchli, 2014). Here the circumstance is, where the government official came to elevate his gathering and to request more decisions in favor of the competitor. The tenor is the job structure of the members in the talk and their jobs and statuses. The discourse has a tremendous horde of backhanded members, who are cheering the lawmaker and one direct member is the government official. The method of the talk is the representative affiliation or the motivation behind the communicated in language and what are the members anticipating from the use of the language. It alludes to the channel of the language, which is spoken here and the logical mode. It is the ideational or the consistent meta-capacity of the content. It alludes to the sensible relationship of the flagged content (Lampert, 2016). Hindi is a head last language with post positional markings. The post positions are for the most part the markers of linguistic capacity, it may be related with the importance of the action word too. Here in the discourse the legislator has said usne loktantra ke liye apna balidan diya hai which implies He has relinquished his life for the republic. Here the ke is a postpositional case stamping. Tenor alludes to the members in a particular talk. While inspecting the language the specific situation and the circumstance of the taken talk, the tenor alludes to the connection between the members (Prez-Guerra, 2016). Here, in the discourse of the lawmaker, the government official himself is the immediate member, anyway the group goes about as the aberrant members of the talk as they are cheering their pioneer and here and there addressing him in a gathering. There is away from of strategic maneuver in the talk, as the government official holds a socially upper spot than the others as he is additionally the head administrator of the nation (Martin, 2014). Be that as it may, he has a nearly warm methodology tending to the group as bhaiyo aur baheno, which implies siblings and sisters. This is another emblematic help with the language which alludes to the job of the language in the talk or its capacity in the specific circumstance (Hatim Mason, 2014). Here the channel is a communicated in language and mix of a tremendous group and a sole government official. The verbally expressed content for the most part has different types of tense utilized by the circumstance and increasingly complex punctuation is utilized. The government official has gone to the humble community to advance his gathering, so his fundamental motivation behind the discourse is to request more decisions in favor of the concerned applicant. It is additionally the part of the circumstance that talks about the segment language is playing here. Here the government official has utilized sentences like hatya ki rajniti hamara nehi hai which implies the legislative issues of executing isn't our own. This is away from of advancing his gathering though demonstrating different ones down while impacting the neighborhood individuals. In breaking down the information, another pertinent hypothesis, structuralism, comes which alludes to the three ideas sign signifier and the meant. The idea is the brainchild of acclaimed etymologist Ferdinand de Sassure, it alludes to the idea that any language is clear aside from its informal community and the sign, perhaps a word, is good for nothing when it doesn't have any connection with its unique situation (Lazzarato, 2014). It possibly gets the significance when it is placed in a social circumstance or as opposed to different signs. The signifier and the meant are two parts of sign. In the given information, there are quantities of models that demonstrate the support to this hypothesis. For example, ye desh aapka hai, which implies This nation is yours, here the words aapka hai (yours) is the signifier and the connoted idea is that the nation is yours (while tending to the group). The sign is the connection between the signifier and the implied idea. Regardless of whether the discourse is developed in a conventional language, the language of informal communication of Narendra Modi isn't so formal. In any case, generally English language has been utilized all things considered, not Hindi. However there are hardly any trademarks that are utilized by him Swach Bharat importance Clean India or Sab ka Saath, Sab ka Vikas significance With everybody, advancement of everybody had been placed in formal Hindi tongue. In any case, following the pattern in web-based social networking, the language is very casual, in some cases tending to the individuals as companions. The profiles in twitter and facebook have a large number of offers and a remarkable familiarity can be seen there. End Among the three ideas of language, culture and correspondence, the correspondence apparently is prevalent in the recorded information. The talk is a group of conventionalized and anticipated. It is an objective arranged informative activity that has ascended from goals in the constantly advancing socio social circumstance. The class of political correspondence is a compound and heterogeneous talk, which follows the initiated situational setting. The setting of the correspondence has been viewed as moderately steady and had unsurprising language structures, even in the web based life locales. In any case, the casual structures might be acknowledged by a few structures that can veer from the unmistakable highlights also. Reference List Quitter, R., Ellis, J. (2016).Language and Materialism: Developments in Semiology and the Theory of the Subject. Routledge. Crum, W. R., Hartkens, T., Hill, D. L. G. (2014). Non-inflexible picture enlistment: hypothesis and practice.The British Journal of Radiology. Gil de Ziga, H., Molyneux, L., Zheng, P. (2014). Web-based social networking, political articulation, and political investment: Panel examination of slacked and simultaneous relationships.Journal of Communication,64(4), 612-634. Hatim, B., Mason, I. (2014).Discourse and the Translator. Routledge. Humphreys, M., de la Sierra, R. S., Van der Windt, P. (2013). Angling, responsibility, and correspondence: A proposition for far reaching nonbinding research registration.Political Analysis,21(1), 1-20. Lampert, M.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Psychopathy And Borderline Personality Disorder Essay
  INTRODUCTION Character issue comprise a significant gathering in the order of mental issue. As per the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth version, content correction (DSM-IV-TR),1 these conditions are characterized by maladaptive character qualities starting right off the bat in life that have reliable and genuine impacts on working. Marginal character issue (BPD) is every now and again observed in clinical practice.2 Characterized by enthusiastic unrest and interminable suicidality (self destruction ideation and endeavors), this kind of character issue presents probably the most troublesome and disturbing issues in all of psychiatry.â most of patients with BPD are seen in mental facilities or in essential consideration. The keys to effective administration incorporate creation a precise determination, keeping up a steady relationship with the patient and setting up constrained objectives. Despite the fact that BPD may continue for a considerable length of time, it doesn't keep going forever, and one can be sensibly idealistic that most patients will recoup with time.  â â â â â â â â â â Psychotherapy can help accelerate the recuperation from BPD. The best types of treatment have been created by analysts, and accordingly when making a referral, doctors ought to consider a patient’s capacity to pay for such therapy.â More examination into the reasons for BPD is required, the consequences of which may assist with creating proof based ways to deal with treatment that are pragmatic and explicitly intended for this difficult issue.  THE EPIDEMIOLOGY OF BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER  Epidemiologic investigations of character issue are at a beginning time of advancement. Network reviews of grown-ups have shown that the commonness of BPD is near 1% (like that of schizophrenia).3,4 About 80% of patients accepting treatment for BPD are women,2 however sex contrasts are less striking in network samples.4 As is the situation for character issue when all is said in done, BPD is related with lower social class and lower levels of education.3,4  THE ETIOLOGY OF BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER We are just starting to comprehend the reasons for BPD. Likewise with most mental issue, no single factor clarifies its turn of events, and numerous components (natural, mental and social) all play a role.â The organic factors in character issue comprise of touchy (inherent or heritable) qualities that present in adulthood as steady character attributes: examples of thought, influence and conduct that portray people and are steady over time.5 Heritable variables represent about portion of the fluctuation in for all intents and purposes all characteristics that have been studied.6 In particular, both full of feeling instability6 and impulsivity7 have a heritable segment of this extent, and studies including twins have exhibited that BPD itself shows a comparable hereditary influence.8 Also, family ancestry contemplates have discovered that hasty issue, for example, standoffish character and substance misuse are especially regular among firstdegree family members of patients with BPD.9 Studies of focal synapse movement have indicated that indiscreet qualities, a significant segment of BPD, are related with shortfalls in focal serotonergic functioning.10,11 However, the organic associates of emotional shakiness are obscure, and no markers explicit to the general issue have been identified.10 The mental factors in BPD can be striking yet are not reliable. BPD first presents clinically in puberty, at a mean age of 18 years.12 Although numerous patients portray difficulties, for example, family brokenness just as state of mind and incautious indications that return to youth, longitudinal information are expected to decide the exact impact of early hazard factors. 13 Reports of a high recurrence of awful mishaps during adolescence in this populace need to consider network contemplates, which show broad versatility following injury, especially for less extreme adversities.13 The most cautious examinations have indicated that a fourth of patients with BPD portray sexual maltreatment from a caretaker14 and that about a third report serious types of abuse.15 However, in spite of the fact that kid misuse is unmistakably a hazard factor, it isn't explicit to BPD.13 all in all, unfriendly life occasions are not reliably pathogenic without anyone else in any case, rather, produce sequelae in powerless populations.16 Social factors in BPD are proposed by aberrant evidence.â Thus far, there have been no multifaceted investigations of BPD, albeit trademark side effects, for example, repetitive self destruction endeavors are less regular in conventional social orders, in which there is little change starting with one age then onto the next, however are on the expansion in current social orders and in social orders experiencing fast change.17  DIAGNOSIS AND SYMPTOMS OF BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER The term â€Å"borderline†is a misnomer, in light of an old hypothesis that this type of pathology lies on a fringe among psychosis and hypochondria. In reality, BPD is a mind boggling disorder whose  central highlights are unsteadiness of state of mind, drive control and relational relationships.2 Box 1 presents the DSM-IV-TR1 measures, rearranged according to these fundamental measurements, just as subjective symptoms.â Since the DSM-IV-TR requires just 5 of 9 standards to be available, making an analysis on this premise prompts heterogeneity; progressively exact research definitions have been built up that require high scores for every one of the 3 dimensions.18 The full of feeling indications in BPD include quick mind-set movements, in which passionate states will in general last just a couple of hours.19 When full of feeling insecurity is checked with normalized instruments,20 feelings are seen as exceptional yet receptive to outer conditions, with a solid inclination toward irate upheavals. Levels of full of feeling insecurity are generally prescient of self destruction attempts.21 Impulsive manifestations incorporate a wide scope of practices and are vital to diagnosis.22 The mix of emotional flimsiness with impulsivity in BPD23 helps represent a clinical introduction set apart by constant suicidality and by shakiness of relational relationships.23 Finally, psychological side effects are additionally visit. In one case series,24 about 40% of 50 patients with BPD had semi crazy considerations. In another series,25 27% of 92 patients experienced maniacal episodes.â In a third series,26 crazy side effects were found to foresee self-hurt i n patients with character issue. BPD is basic by and by. An ongoing report including patients in a crisis office who had endeavored self destruction demonstrated that 41% of those with a background marked by different self destruction endeavors met the models for BPD this disorder.27â However, numerous cases are likewise found in essential consideration settings.â Data from a study directed in a US urban essential consideration practice showed that BPD was available in 6.4% of an example of 218 patients.28â Because of the wide scope of manifestations seen in BPD that are additionally run of the mill of different issue (Table 1, for example, temperament and tension issue, substance misuse and eating disorders,29 patients might be felt to have one of these conditions while their BPD goes undetected. The most well-known confusion related with BPD is discouragement, however in BPD, indications are typically connected with temperament insecurity instead of with the all-encompassing and persistent times of lower dis position found in great mind-set disorders.19 Likewise, as a result of trademark temperament swings, BPD is regularly confused with bipolar disorder.30 However, patients with BPD don't show constantly raised mind-set yet rather display an example of quick moves in influence identified with natural occasions, with â€Å"high†periods that keep going for a considerable length of time as opposed to for a considerable length of time or weeks.30 BPD might be confused with schizophrenia; in any case, rather than long haul crazy side effects, patients with BPD experience â€Å"micropsychotic†marvels of brief term (enduring hours or probably a couple of days), sound-related visualizations without loss of understanding (patients with schizophrenia don't perceive that a fantasy is fanciful, while patients with BPD do), suspicious patterns and depersonalization states in which patients experience themselves or their condition as unreal.â 24 Finally, patients with BPD are at expanded danger of substance misuse, which struct ures some portion of the clinical image of far reaching impulsivity.2 To analyze BPD by and by, clinicians should initially build up whether a patient has the general attributes of a character issue portrayed in the DSM-IV-TR;1 that is, long haul issues influencing cognizance, mind-set, relational working and drive control that start from the get-go throughout everyday life and are related with maladaptive character qualities, for example, neuroticism (being effectively inclined to tension or sadness, or both) or impulsivity. Character issue can frequently account better for the variety and chronicity of manifestations than can elective judgments, for example, state of mind or uneasiness issue. The subsequent stage is a character appraisal, which requires a decent history. In spite of the fact that experts will have the option to acquire required data from most patients during a normal visit, they may likewise, with the patient’s assent, wish to address relatives or friends.â The last advance is to decide the classification that best fits the clinical picture. To analyze BPD, clinicians  need to set up that examples of full of feeling shakiness, impulsivity and unsteady connections have been predictable after some time.  THE COURSE AND MANAGEMENT OF BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISODERs Overseeing patients with BPD can be troublesome for clinicians since they may need to manage rehashed self destruction dangers and endeavors over years. Likewise, patients with BPD don't effortlessly regard limits and may turn out to be excessively joined to their therapists.31 When experts neglect to analyze BPD, they might be in danger of turning out to be overinvolved with patients who endure incredibly yet can be expressly speaking to the ph
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Elderly Essay Topics
Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Elderly Essay Topics The Number One Question You Must Ask for Elderly Essay Topics Creative Essay writing is currently recognized among the most useful activity for kids for their general personality development. Life is much better than it was 50 decades ago. Kids need to be able to vote. Students ought to be permitted to pray in school. New Questions About Elderly Essay Topics Don't neglect to write the last part, that is the conclusion of your essay paper. Be conscious of the size it must be and get started writing the narrative essay outline. To get started writing your assignment you would want to encounter an interesting and promising topic. Firstly, you have to know the proper format of essay writing. If you still doubt whether you're able to deal with this kind of assignment for a definition essay alone, we're content to inform you that there's a superb solution! Unlike analytical essays, you do not need to analyze a topic rather you need to present your perspectives on the topic after a keen observation and analysis. Now that you're aware that we are the ideal online essay writing service to work with, don't hesitate to pay a visit to our site and order an essay. Among the various kinds of essay, there's a definition essay that could appear to be among the most simple assignments. Top Elderly Essay Topics Choices There are just a few things that define whether an essay you're working on is going to be a good one. Opt for a distinctive topic that others may not think of, and whatever you select, make sure that you know a lot about it! Try to create the reader feel precisely what you are. When you research the explanations for why something happened, you should explain wha t you found out to the readers. The Lost Secret of Elderly Essay Topics Our life is about words. If you've ever taken an on-line class, you understand how different it can be from a conventional face-to-face course. To get the maximum grade for your essay, you need not just to fill it with pertinent info and dependable facts or examples from your own personal life. With FreeEssayHelp you'll find hundreds of Elderly essay topics in a matter of many seconds. There's an array of essay types, and every one of them are able to assist you in developing your abilities and widening your knowledge. In the same way as any other essay, a definition one has its peculiarities together with content requirements that should be met to be successful in the writing. Use transition words to earn your text coherent and simple to read. Possibly a philosophical text really elucidates your present paradigm. Choosing Good Elderly Essay Topics Essay writing is a significant portion of the XAT Exam especially because it's conducted together with the principal exam. Essays are very helpful for college students. Books should not be banned. The Essay Topics list is provided for English in addition to Hindi section. Application essays about challenges reveal how you respond to difficulty to folks who are really interested in how you are going to manage the subsequent four years by yourself. Becoming in a position to compose a strong argument can help you succeed in society. Identity theft is a good problem nowadays The most important target audience for identity theft is elderly individuals. Naturally, you might pick any topic, nobody could possibly know that you're describing experience that you never actually had, but don't forget that it is always simpler to tell the truth than to invent lies. Colleges are not searching for perfect folks. They want to get to know more about you. They are looking for a sense of maturity and introspectionpinpoint the transformation and demonstrate your personal growth. 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In the event you decide you must speak about one of the cliche essay topics mentioned previously, a great approach to tell a more prevalent story is to concentrate on one specific moment and build from that point. There are lots of different Business-related essay topics a student can choose from, and as mentioned earlier, all of them need a whole lot of work and patience put into it for it to develop into an essay that could help you get high grades.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Technology Essay Sample for a Reference
Technology essay is the type of writing that can cover any topic concerning technology field. Such essay can explain an impact which modern developments have on the everyday life, as well as on the business community. Moreover, this writing also estimates an influence of the technology which may be beneficial and harmful to the certain extent as well. Billions of people all over the world cannot imagine a single day without their gadgets. In any time and wherever they are people can express their feelings by sharing with others the ideas, thoughts, quotes, and intentions. This all is possible due to the Internet. The technology eliminates the social gap between nations, as well as cultures. Therefore, the world gradually becomes smaller and smaller, more integrated, and interconnected. People do not need to be the politicians, movie stars or famous sportsmen to be heard. All they need to do is to have an access to the World Wide Web. Moreover, an access to the Internet grants everyone the ability to keep in touch with anybody through such media as Facebook, Instagram, and Skype. Making the posts people show how they spend their spare time with friends, family, or lovers. To this end, our private life has become more public and, for instance, being in South Africa people can look after American pop stars following them in the socia l media. The doctors and scientists use technology in order to tackle the problems which ones have seemed to be impossible to handle with. In general, the overall level of health and education has increased over the recent years. The greatest breakthrough is that Human Immunodeficient Virus has transformed from the death sentence to a manageable disease. There also have been developed the supercomputers which help to perform a better diagnosis and treatment, as well as understand human genetic building blocks in order to use this knowledge to fight off diseases. In 2002 a full human genome sequence cost $100 million; currently, the price is $1,000; by 2020 can cost less than a cup of tea. With all these benefits, technology has a negative effect on our world as well. Most people just cannot engage in a conversation with their friends without using technology. To some extent, people become addicted to the mass media, social networking, and virtual reality. Furthermore, a great range of digital gadgets makes our brain work differently as it used to in the past. Nowadays, people do not want to remember a lot of the information as they can easily find it on the Internet; or do not make simple calculations in mind or on the paper as smartphone calculator can do it faster and promptly without mistakes. In addition, popular video games and various applications, from the early childhood, change the way children think and accept a real world. All in all, new technology does not automatically mean only benefits. It can help save the planet and put its development on the new level. At the same time, technology is able to destroy it and annihilate the mankind as a species from the face of the earth if people are not careful. Thus, humanity should think about stability and further development without reckless ideas and with a pure mind. References Bremmer, I. (2016). These 5 Facts Explain How Technology Is Shaping Our World. Time. Retrieved August 24, 2016, from Elizabeth, M. (2015). 3 Ways Modern Technology Is Affecting Human Behavior And The World. Elite Daily. Retrieved August 24, 2016, from Greenfield, S. (2008). Modern technology is changing the way our brains work, says neuroscientist. Mail Online. Associated Newspapers. Retrieved August 24, 2016, from Laroya, G. (2010). Technology Affects The Worldwide Community. The Huffington Post. Retrieved August 24, 2016, from Walker, B. (2014). The Positive and Negative Impacts Technology Has on Our Daily Lives. University of Wisconsin-Platteville. Retrieved August 24, 2016, from
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Literary Analysis The Raven - 905 Words
When you are reading a poem or a short story there are so many other things that are connected to the story that people usual do not look at. But when you do break down a story or poem to look for what it really means that it is called literary analysis. A good piece of work to use is Edgar Allen Poe s The Raven. The Raven has a lot of different literature elements at work such as symbolism, theme, POV. In the Raven Edgar writes a poem about a man that is very sad. The man is sad because he misses his loved one her name was Lenore. The man cannot forget about Lenore and every night the man is visited man the Raven. Short Summary.....The Lady is the main focus for the man she contains his every thought. He brings her up when every chance he can in the poem. The man tries so hard to think about something else but he always finds himself back on Lenore. We don t even learn a lot about this women. We may not know what Lenore looks like, she is not even a charter in the poem she is jus t a memory a symbol of love-sadness. The main symbol in the Raven is Lenore. In lines 10-11 Is the 1st time we hear about his lost love Lenore. in the same breathe the narrator tells us that she is gone. From my books surcease of sorrow- sorrow for the lost Lenore- For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore-(Allen,2013). In the Raven it is very clear that Lenore is a big symbol she is brought up in almost every stanza. In lines 28-29 Poe tells us that he hears LenoreShow MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis : The Raven By Edgar Allan Poe727 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"The raven†by Edgar Allan Poe Example: â€Å"Once upon a midnight dreary while I pondered weak and weary (1); rare and radiant maiden (11); And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain (notice the deft use of consonance as well) (13); Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, / Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before (19-20)†. Analysis : â€Å"The raven†is a poem written by Ellan Edgar Poe. The reason why using alliteration is importantRead MoreEssay about Literary Analysis of The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe565 Words  | 3 PagesLiterary Analysis of The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe The life of Edgar Allan Poe was as morbid and melancholy as his works. After the abandonment by his father and the disturbing death of his mother, both prominent traveling actors, Edgar was reluctantly forced into orphanage. He was later taken into the home of John Allan, a wealthy tobacco merchant. Their relationship was shaky, at best, and the contention between the two would last until Allans death, where his willRead MoreAnalysis of Edgar Allen Poes The Raven Essay917 Words  | 4 PagesEdgar Allan Poe is one of the most well-known gothic writers around. He has written many form of writing from poems to short stories. One of his most famous narrative poems is â€Å"The Raven.†There are many reasons to read the â€Å"The Raven.†One reason to read the poem is because it is a classic. Secondly, reading â€Å"The Raven†can give sight to Poe’s thoughts and feelings towards his life. Thirdly, the poem is a good example of the mind set of someone who has faced a loss. Another reason would be that theRead MoreEssay about Literary Devices Used in the Raven by Edgar Allen Poe959 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis of the Raven by Edgar Allen Poe The nineteenth century poet Edgar Allen Poe makes use of several literary devices in order to create a gloomy atmosphere in his poem â€Å"The Raven†. Alliteration, rhyme, onomatopoeia, assonance, and repetition are used to contribute to the melodic nature of the work and provide an almost â€Å"visual†representation of his gothic setting. Poe is a master of using these writing techniques. â€Å"The Raven†is one of his most popular works. This is certainly due, in partRead MoreThe Raven Critical Analysis1111 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"The Raven†Analysis Edgar Allan Poe’s life was inevitably gloomy and it is strongly reflected in a majority of his literary work. Poe’s father abandoned him when he was just a year old and his mother died the following year from an abominable case of tuberculosis (Edgar Allan Poe.) Poe’s story, â€Å"The Raven†, reflects his sadness toward losing his former wife, Virginia Eliza Clemm whom he married in 1835. The story details the night of an unnamed narrator studying an old book on a December nightRead MoreThe Raven And American Romanticism Essay1292 Words  | 6 PagesKaylee Parker Kevin Stagg American Literature September 15, 2016 The Raven and American Romanticism The anonymous storyteller is busy reading a book when he hears somebody knock at his door. A faint thought comes to him that perhaps it was a guest, and he finds it better to let him in the following day because he was meditating over the demise of Lenore, his lover (Prince and Allan 4). Surprisingly, when he decides to open the door, he comes to nothing new except a sound echoing Lenore a reverberationRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Dead 1416 Words  | 6 Pages The Dead Muse: A Critical Analysis of The Raven Your Name Your University â€Æ' The Dead Muse: A Critical Analysis of The Raven The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe is a very famous poem which intricately weaves layer upon layer of meaning through singsong verses. Combining allusions to literature, mythology and religion, the poem tells many stories at once while evoking a feeling of nonsense and a descent into insanity. It is hard to understand what the poem is aboutâ€â€if anything at all, and Poe does notRead MoreThe Raven And The Overwhelming Power And Sadness Of The Death Of A Loved One1165 Words  | 5 PagesCritical Analysis This critical analysis essay is about Poet Edgar Allen Poe’s poem â€Å"The Raven†and the overwhelming power and sadness of the death of a loved one. There is such sorrow and even anticipation that the poem invokes in the reader. The poem can be quite dreary and full of gloom, but the author also makes it sound eerie but somehow beautiful and lyrical especially when reciting it orally. Poe was a remarkable writer and known as being a bit peculiar in person and in his writings. PoeRead MoreComparitve Analysis of the Raven Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe1257 Words  | 6 PagesComparative Analysis of the Tell Tale Heart and the Raven Edgar Allen Poe was the author of several daunting works of literature. Two examples of Edgar Allen Poes literature are The Tell Tale Heart and The Raven. If we compare these two works, one a short story and the other a poem, we will see that Poe shows great mastery of symbolism, as well as other forms of literary technique. In these two stories, many people would say that Poe uses the tales to reflect the way he perceivesRead MoreAnalysis of Poes Successes and Failures in Poetry and Fiction1745 Words  | 7 PagesAn Analysis of Poes Successes and Failures in Poetry and Fiction Edgar Allan Poes career may have been a failure considering what he set out to do, but he did achieve some success and notoriety in his own lifetime. His most successful poem was, of course, The Raven, a piece he composed to satisfy popular taste. But some of his short fiction was popular as well. As an editor and publisher, however, Poe did not quite achieve the greatness he sought. His legacy grew only after his death, thanks
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Discussion on Training Plan-Free
Question: Discuss about the Training Plan. Answer: About training plan Training is one of the crucial activities that is utmost necessary for preparing oneself for the intense competition in different sports and recreational activities[1]. This can be applicable for candidates who wish to participate in active sports, become elite athletes or enter competitions. Each phrase of the training module has been formulated as per the utmost necessity to develop oneself for the intense competition and sports activity[2]. This training plan includes a six-week development and practice plan that has been formulated using proper fitness strategies, regimes and training methods to develop any individual as an elite athlete. The training module has been developed for individuals (both amateurs and professional) who are willing to actively take up cycling as their field of specialization. This training regime also includes the dietary plan for the athletes in order to meet their physical developments and objectives. Necessity of training Millions of people own bicycles and almost everyone knows the application and its utility. Surprisingly only a few ones know the utility of such and the benefits that bicycles has to offer. The main utility of such are several physical and health benefits. It not only helps burn the excess calories but also helps in stabilizing the hearts functionalities as well as keeping diabetes at bay, with several other health benefits, thus keeping one fit and healthy. In case of fitness fanatics, cycling is probably one of the best and easiest ways of working out. It is considerably one of the effortless ways to keep the body and soul free from all the external and internal negative influences. Although some prefer cycling as one of the fitness and recreational activities, some consider cycling to a serious profession. Cycling is considered as one of the well-known and enduring sports that needs the equal attention and coordination of body and mind as well as the perfect balance between power, endurance, skills, flexibility and fitness. These co ordinations help the individuals to develop themselves, by focusing on the skills and tactical execution[3]. This customized training module is specially tailored with consideration to a specific athlete who is one of the known and notable figures to take up cycling as a serious profession. Simon Gerrans is a two time Australian National Road Champion and at present rides for a professional team of cyclist, known as the Orica Scott. Simon has won three difficult stages of the famous Tour De France and he relies on high levels of cardiovascular and muscular endurance to accomplish his objectives[4]. The complete training module has been divided based on the six weeks training with the regime that needs to be followed in regularly as well as a complimentary diet regime that needs to be followed daily for the entire duration of these six weeks intense training session to compensate for the rigorous training that the athlete would go through. This training module has been based on the principles of FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type). Health Benefits Variables Frequency Intensity Time Type Cardiovascular and Endurance 3 times/week on alternative days Moderate to high intensity 20 -40 minuntes All the activities that involves the working out of the large muscles of the body. Activities like running, cycling, swimming and leg excercises would be helpful Muscular Strength and Endurance Alternate days thrice a week High intesity (execersise or sets to the maximam capacity) 1 to 3 sets workouts of 10 to 12 repetitions Free weight training Indoor gym Body weight training (Mostly leg workouts like weight squats, calf excercises) Use of exercise machines and free weights Muscular Enhancement Alternate days 4 times/week Low to moderate resistance with gradual increase in the capacity 3 sets of workout with 10 to 20 repetitions Free weight Body weight training Use of exercise machines and weights Flexibility Daily Slow and controlled movement of all the crucial joints 3-4 sets of workout for 20 to 30 seconds Static Dynamic Freehand execrises Body Composition 5 to 7 times/week Mixting and combination of different intensities Dependent on intensity Aerobic Anaerobic Resistance Freehand workout Anaerobic work (Speed Power) Alternate days 2-3 times a week Maximum capacity 2 to 3 minutes of time per exercise Short Sprinting High Jumping MMA(Mixed Martial Arts) and Boxing Daily Active regime Everyday Variable intensities 1-2 hours everyday Jogging Stairsclimbing Housework Bowling Cycling Freehand excercises Days (Applicable for all 6 weeks) Intensity Duration Exercise Monday Moderate to high depending on the regime 3-4 hours(in average) based on the regime Cardiovascular, Muscular enhancement, flexibility, body composition, daily active regime Tuesday Moderate to high depending on the regime 3-4 hours(in average) based on the regime Muscular strength, Flexibility, body composition, anaroebic work, daily active regime Wednesday Moderate to high depending on the regime 3-4 hours(in average) based on the regime Cardiovascular, Muscular enhancement, Flexibility,body composition, daily active regime Thursday Moderate to high depending on the regime 3-4 hours(in average) based on the regime Muscular strength, Flexibility,body composition, anaroebic work, daily active regime Friday Moderate to high depending on the regime 3-4 hours(in average) based on the regime Cardiovascular, Muscular enhancement, Flexibility, body composition, daily active regime Saturday Moderate to high depending on the regime 3-4 hours(in average) based on the regime Muscular strength, Flexibility, anaroebic work, daily active regime Sunday Moderate to high depending on the regime 1-2 hours(in average) based on the regime Muscular enhancement, Flexibility, daily active regime Necessity of dietary reinforcements A healthy diet is one of the significant part of the daily regime. This substitutes to replenish the energy that is broke down during the intense workout session. A healthy and wholesome meal would ensure the perfect growth and enhancement of the body to help it amply its capacity and capability to outperform in the times of need or when the situation demands the best from the body. A complimentary dietary regime has been formulated completely based on the type of workout plan that is supposed to be followed by the athlete, for the entire six weeks on a daily/weekly basis. Days (Applicable for six weeks) Breakfast (7 a.m) Morning Snacks (9.30 a.m) Lunch (12.00 p.m) Pre-workout (2.30 p.m) Post-workout (6.00 p.m) Dinner (8.00 p.m) Monday Oats with fruits(Apple) smoothie Chicken salad Fresh veggies with hummus Bacon and eggs(fried) Slow cooked ham with roasted broccoli Tuesday Bacon and eggs(fried) Yoghurt with honey and berries Chicken nuggets with apple sauce Chocolate cookies and almond milk Chicken salad Chicken soup Wednesday Pancakes and fruits Banana with almond butter Turkey burger with avocado and carrots Banana with almond butter Scrambled egg whites with avocado or orange Garlic roasted chicken legs with asparagus Thursday Scrambled egg whites with avocado or orange Ants on a log Italian/Caesar salad Veggie chips with guacamole Chicken salad Slow cooked Korean ribs with vegetable soup Friday Oats with berries smoothie Chicken salad Brownies with almond milk Italian/Caesar salad Paleo pizza Saturday Fresh waffles with strawberries Cottage cheese with apple sauce Caesar salad Veggie chips with guacamole Fresh veggies with hummus Garlic roasted chicken legs with asparagus Sunday Scrambled egg whites with avocado or orange Ants on a log Fajita salad Vegetable chips with jalapeno Greek yoghurt dip Chicken nuggets with apple sauce Slow cooked ham with roasted broccoli References Dr. R. Annadurai, Dr. R. Annadurai and R. Subbiah R. Subbiah, "Effect Of Weight Track Training, Plyometric Training And Combination Of Weight Track Plyometric Training And Martial Arts Training On Selected Physical Fitness Variables Of Inter-Collegiate Men Basketball Players" (2012) 2(8)International Journal of Scientific Research Hajizadeh Maleki, Behzad and Bakhtyar Tartibian, "Long-Term Low-To-Intensive Cycling Training" [2014]Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine Xavier James, A. Dominic and Dr. R.Muthueleckuvan Dr. R.Muthueleckuvan, "Effect Of Varied Resistance Circuit Weight Training On Cardiovascular Fitness" (2011) 4(5)Indian Journal of Applied Research Chang, Wei-Gang, "Effect Of Cycling Training With Foot External Rotation On Neuromuscular Function Of Vastus Medialis Oblique And Vastus Lateralis" (2013) 15(2)Sports Exercise Researc Dr. R. Annadurai Dr. R. Annadurai and R. Subbiah R. Subbiah, "Effect Of Weight Track Training, Plyometric Training And Combination Of Weight Track Plyometric Training And Martial Arts Training On Selected Physical Fitness Variables Of Inter-Collegiate Men Basketball Players" (2012) 2(8)International Journal of Scientific Research. Behzad Hajizadeh Maleki and Bakhtyar Tartibian, "Long-Term Low-To-Intensive Cycling Training" [2014]Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. A. Dominic Xavier James and Dr. R.Muthueleckuvan Dr. R.Muthueleckuvan, "Effect Of Varied Resistance Circuit Weight Training On Cardiovascular Fitness" (2011) 4(5)Indian Journal of Applied Research. Wei-Gang Chang, "Effect Of Cycling Training With Foot External Rotation On Neuromuscular Function Of Vastus Medialis Oblique And Vastus Lateralis" (2013) Sports Exercise Research.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Questions Essay Example
Questions Essay Question 1. You are a recently appointed Sales Manager for a manufacturer of small engines. The company has grown rapidly over recent years, but its profit margins have been declining and this is one of the key issues that you have been hired to address.After three months on the job, you have become aware that the company’s nine salespeople are focused on closing as many deals as possible regardless of whether they provide good solutions for customers. In addition, salespeople are discounting so much that your company’s margins are continuing to decrease. Clearly, your position as Sales Manager may be in trouble if this continues, plus your personal bonus is based upon achieving profit margin objectives.When you have discussed this with the salespeople, they indicate that in the past they have been encouraged to focus on sales volume and not the profitability of deals.Some changes are required otherwise the profitability targets of the organisation and your personal bon us will not be achieved. What steps do you undertake to resolve the situation and why do you undertake those steps?It is important for the Sales people to be able to have clear goals so that they may correspondingly direct their behaviour towards the achievement of these targets. If they have been accustomed to believing that they will have maximum pay-offs in increasing their sales volume, then they will continue to act as if this strategy will yield them maximum benefit. The first step I will do is to hold a general assembly which will focus on this change of mindset. I will clarify with them that it is profitability and not merely sales volume that will give both them and the whole unit maximum yield. This is consistent with the essence of expectancy theory.Expectancy theory supports the contention that people choose the behaviour they believe will maximize their payoff. It states that people look at various actions and choose the one they believe is most likely to lead to th e rewards they want the most. This theory has been tested extensively. It has been found that expectancy theory can do an excellent job of predicting occupational choice and job satisfaction and a moderately good job of predicting effort on the job.  Expectancy theory implies that the anticipation of rewards is important as well as the perceived contingency between the behaviours desired by the organisation and the desired rewards. The theory also implies that since different people desire different rewards, organisations should try to match rewards with what employees want (Weathersby, 1998). In other words, if the sales people realise that they will have more reward if they focus on profitability, then they will work towards this changed goal. What is important is to be able to effectively clarify what the goal is, why it was changed, and why it is crucial to achieve it.This change in mindset among the sales people may also be perceived as a change in the vision and its cla rification. It is important for me as a Sales Manager to have a clearly defined vision, both on the task and people sides of the business. This speaks of the effectiveness of their leadership, which is both people-oriented than task-oriented. All leaders have the capacity to create a compelling vision, one that takes people to a new place, and the ability to translate that vision into reality. Modern leadership literature frequently characterises the leader as the vision holder, the keeper of the dream, or the person who has a vision of the organisations purpose. If the Sales team is one in achieving a profitability target and they know the specific objectives that they have to hit to contribute to this overall goal, then I would be more confident that the overall goal of the team would be achieved.;Personal vision includes my personal aspirations for the organisation and acts as the impetus for the my actions that will link organisational and future vision. My vision needs to be sh ared by those who will be involved in its realization. Setting of a profitability target for the sales team is just one manifestation of visionary leadership, where a clear goal is identified – but I also have the responsibility to link this to more strategic organisational thrusts.;Question 2. You are the Sales Manager of an electrical goods distributor whose main customer base is electrical retailers. One of your most successful salespeople struggles to submit the weekly written reports that you require from all of your salespeople. This salesperson never submits the reports on time, you usually have to repeatedly request them and when they are submitted they don’t contain the customer information or sales activity information that you want. This also makes it difficult to keep these customer records up to date in the company’s CRM system and limits the ability of sales support staff to help manage these relationships. The rest of the salesforce submit these r eports, in hard or soft copy, on time and without complaint.What do you do about this issue and why?The first thing I will do as a Sales Manager is to hold a performance discussion with my salesman because of this poor work habit of delayed report submission. During the discussion, I would clearly state why we are holding the session and its importance. I would then allow him to express concerns about why he is always not punctual in churning out his reports. I will try as much as possible to still maintain his self-esteem despite the correction, and also to listen attentively to his concerns. At the end of the session, we should have concurred on the best course of action to be able to resolve the problem. We will then set a work plan, specifying who will do what and by when.The clarity of a goal is important – it needs to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. I should ensure that the goal of report submission comply with these criteria of well-defin ed goals / objectives. Moreover, I should also be able to show the linkage of this positive behaviour of goal submission to reward. If no such linkage is made, the salesman may not be motivated in attaining the goal set out for him. According to goals setting theories, employees set goals and those organisations can influence work behaviour by influencing these goals.  The major concepts in the theory are intentions, performance standards, goal acceptance, and the effort expended. These concepts are assumed to be the motivation. Participation in goal setting should increase commitment and acceptance. Individual goal setting should be more effective than group goals because it is the impact of goals on intentions that is important. In goal-setting theory the crucial factor is the goal. Tests of the theory show that using goals leads to higher performance than situations without goals, and that difficult goals lead to better performance than easy ones (Maczynski ; Koopman, 2000). Although participation in goal setting may increase satisfaction, it does not always lead to higher performance.Second, I will also ensure that continuous monitoring and feedback transpires after we hold the performance discussion. I will coach him further if necessary until he is able to correct his poor work habit. A feedback system can be a form of reinforcement system and a motivational factor for management in promoting positive behaviour among employees. Following Skinner’s reinforcement theory, I can use the feedback system as a form of motivational lever in shaping my salesman’s behaviour and in helping him aim for higher goals. I can also provide incentives for positive behaviour.;It is important to provide feedback to the salesman to assess his or her strengths and weaknesses so that further training can be implemented. Although this feedback and training should be an ongoing process, the semi-annual evaluation might be the best time to formally discuss his performance, but performance coaching sessions across the performance period is encouraged.;Question 4. If you pay a sales person enough money you will have a well motivated sales person. Do you agree? Explain your reasons.While pay is an important consideration for most workers, there are more important considerations that affect an employees’ intention to stay with the organisation and to work optimally. My salesmen’s intrinsic motivation will cause them to exhibit organisational commitment even as he realizes that the pay offered by the company is not necessarily the most competitive. While this is the case, tt is important to ensure that their pay is equitable – while it is not the highest in the industry – since this is intricately related to the my salesmen’s sense of job satisfaction.I should also ensure that the rewards given to my sales people are equitably given. Equity theory suggests that motivated behaviou r is a form of exchange in which individuals employ an internal balance sheet in determining what to do. It predicts that people will choose the alternative they perceive as fair. In other words, my sales people should find that those who contributed more to goal attainment are also rewarded as much. That is, reward is a function of performance or merit.I realise that motivating workers well in these times of change demands a balanced combination of emotional and intellectual levers. Any manager should learn to use and combine as many needs, factors, modes of reinforcement, and outputs into their message as may be necessary to motivate their employees (Legge, 2005). As Sales Manager, I can become a good motivator by knowing two things well: first, which tool or level of motivation will work for each and every employee, and second, how to motivate and communicate effectively with the use of positive reinforcement. On the part of my company, management practices which can serv e as effective reinforcers include self-esteem work shops, flexible work arrangements, customized benefits packages, individual and team performance-based reward systems, among others. Each employee is different thus their motivating factors vary from one and other. My task should be to locate motivational factors of each individual or group in order to develop a motivational environment. This will assist the me in creating a better working environment enhancing productivity and job satisfaction.;Leaders and managers like myself are the ones that provide motivation and vision to any organisational undertaking. I should posses the capabilities, abilities, and skills of a leader in order to create a motivating, working environment. Only in having such effective and motivational leadership can the organisation be assured of a healthy, sustainable, and committed workforce.Word Count: 402ReferencesLegge, K. (2005). Human resource management: Rhetorics and realities. Anniversary edition. Basingstoke: MacMillan.Maczynski, J. ; Koopman, P. (2000). Culture and leadership profiles in Europe: Some results from the GLOBE study. In Koslowsky, M. ; Stashevsky, S. (eds.), Work values and organisational behaviour toward the new millennium. London: Macmillan.Weathersby, G. B. (1998). Leadership at every level. Management Review, 87(6), 5.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
What Is Khan Academy SAT Prep How Can It Help You
What Is Khan Academy SAT Prep How Can It Help You SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you preparing for the SAT or PSAT? Maybe you’ve heard of Khan Academy and are wondering what it is and if it can help you raise your score.In cooperation with the College Board, Khan Academy recently released free materials to help students prepare for the SAT. This guide will answer all your questions about the Khan Academy SAT content including what it is, if it’s really free, what resources it provides, and how it differs from other official SAT prep materials. By reading this guide, you'll learn exactly what information Khan Academy offers and how you can use it to study more effectively and boost your SAT score. Feature image credit: Wikimedia Commons What Is Khan Academy SATPrep? Khan Academy is an online education non-profit that was founded by Salman Khan in 2006.Khan Academy offers thousands of free videos that cover a variety of topics, including math, economics, and science.Anyone can sign up for a free account and have access to all the videos that Khan Academy offers. The videos typically consist of example problems and notes handwritten by an off-screen narrator (usually Khan himself). In 2015, Khan Academy and the College Board (the company that designs and administers the SAT, PSAT, and AP tests) teamed up to provide free SAT study tools, which is what this guide will be focusing on. (Since the College Board doesn't administer the ACT, Khan Academy does not offer materials directly geared towards ACT prep.) Why Are Khan Academy and the College Board Offering These Resources For Free? Both Khan Academy and the College Board are non-profit organizations. This means that their goal is to provide a benefit to others, not to make a profit.Instead, they use their excess revenue to further their mission or aim. Khan Academy states that their mission is to â€Å"provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.†Multiples studies have shown that students from wealthier backgrounds tend to perform better on the SAT than students from less wealthy families. The College Board wants your SAT score to be based on how intelligent you are, not how rich your parents are. As a way to try and solvethis problem, they partnered with Khan Academy, which offers all its lessons for free, so that students from all economic backgrounds have access to the exact same material.This is part of the College Board’s larger rebranding of the SAT,which also includedmany significant changes to the exam. All of Khan Academy's resources are offered for free. What SATPrep Resources Does Khan Academy Offer? As we mentioned above, as a result of its partnership with the College Board, Khan Academy offers official study materials for the SAT (which can also be used to prepare for the PSAT).These resources include video lessons, full-length practice tests, quizzes, personalized practice recommendations, samplequestions and more. We’ll explore each of them in more detail below. Quizzes After you create your account, one of the first things you’ll be prompted to do is take a diagnostic quiz so Khan Academycan determineyour strengths and weaknesses in each SAT section.Eight short quizzes are available: two for Reading, two for Writing and Language, and four for Math.After you complete each quiz, you will be able to review your answers and see how to solve each problem. You will then be given personalized recommendations based on your score. There are four different skill levels you can be placed into for each SAT topic. If you answered a lot of questions in a particular subject correctly, you will start at a higher skill level and have more challenging practice questions. If you answered a lot of questions incorrectly, you’ll start at a lower skill level and work your way up to more advanced questions. Many times you’ll start at different skill levels for different topics within a section.For example, if you took a quiz forthe Math section, based on your answers you could be starting at Skill Level 2 for circle theorems, linear equation word problems, and complex numbers, and you could be starting at Skill Level 3 for graphing linear equations, isolating quantities, and radical and rational equations. Your skill level in each area will give you personalized practice recommendations, which we cover next. Personalized Practice Recommendations As we just mentioned, your scores on the eight quizzes will determine your personalized practice recommendations.For example, if you generally score well on the Reading section but struggle with analyzing scientific passages, you will be directed to practice questions and videos that focus mainly on scientific passages. These recommendations make it easier for you to spend your time efficiently because you’re focusing on concepts you need to work on and not wasting your time going over topics you already understand. Video Lessons Video lessons are the hallmark of Khan Academy, anddozens of them are available that cover each of the three SAT sections: Reading, Writing and Language, and Math.Khan Academy SATvideos are typically 2-10 minutes long, and they involve presenting an example problem and breaking down exactly how to answer it. Reading videos cover each of the four types of text passages the SAT contains. The Writing and Language section has videos on writing style as well as over 20 videos on different grammar concepts such as pronoun agreement, punctuation, and modifier placement. Math includes videos on algebra, data analysis, and numerous other topics. Many topics have videos that areorganized by difficulty, so you can start by watching a video with easier examples and work your way up to more challenging problems. Khan Academy's video lessons may help you understand difficult topics better. Practice Questions There are thousands of practice SAT questions available on Khan Academy.Each of the subjects tested on the SAT has videos and practice questions related to it, so after you watch a video on a particular concept like syntax or linear equation word problems, you can try out some questions on that topic to see how well you understand it. After you answer a problem, you will learn immediately whether you got it right or wrong, and an explanation will appear for every answer choice that explains why that particular choice was correct or incorrect. Full-Length Practice Tests Khan Academy also offers four full-length practice tests (the same practice tests that the College Board offers on its website) that users can take either online or with pencil and paper. You can take these tests all the way through like you would on test day, or you can stop after each section and review your answers.Like the quizzes and practice problems, each question includes a complete explanation of why each answer option is right or wrong. Summary:Khan Academy's Test Prep Resources To recap, Khan Academy's test prep resources include: Diagnostic quizzes to help you figure out how strong you are in each subject before you begin studying. Personalized practice recommendations so you can focus on learning the material you need to improve on. Video lessons to help clarify topics you don't understand right away. Numerous practice questions to help strengthen your skills. Full-length practice tests to get you used to the real SAT. To learn more about how you should use these resources, and what their limitations can be, check out our guide on how to get the most out of Khan Academy SATprep. How Is Khan Academy Different FromThe Official SAT Study Guide? How do the Khan Academy SAT prep materials differ from The Official SAT Study Guide?The Official SAT Study Guide is a 792-page book produced by the College Board that includes practice questions and information on the SAT and how to study for it. To start, one way in which these resources aresimilar is that they’re both produced in cooperation with the College Board. This makes them high-quality resources because you can be sure they give an accurate representation of the SAT.Both also offer the same four full-length practice tests, as well as additional questions, explanations, and tips to help you understand the test. However, as a whole, Khan Academy’s information is more in-depth. Advantagesof Khan Academy Because Khan Academy’s video lessons walk you through each step of solving a problem, they offer you a different way to study and learn new concepts if you feel you haven’t understood a topic as much as you want to just by reading an explanation of it from a book. Additionally, while both resources offer practice questions that are broken down by specific categories within a section, only Khan Academy helps you identify which of these areas you are weakest in and thus need to practice more. Other advantages of Khan Academy include the fact that its full-length practice tests are timed, so they’re more realistic, and that Khan Academy automatically grades your responses on tests, quizzes, and practice problems, which saves you the time of grading them yourself. Khan Academy also offers far more practice problems than The Official SAT Study Guide does. Advantages of The Official SAT Study Guide Basically allthe information The Official SAT Study Guide offers, both its practice tests and additional tips, is available for free either on Khan Academy or the College Board's website.The main advantage of The Official SAT Study Guide is that its practice tests are already printed out for you. Taking the tests with pencil and paper will help you get a more accurate representation of your score than taking the test online since you will be taking the actual SAT on paper. While Khan Academy offers the option of printing out the exams, printing out four exams that are 70 or so pages each uses a lot of paper and ink, so having the tests already printed can be useful. The book is currently available for about $15 on Amazon, so if that is a big enough incentive for you, you may want to consider purchasing it. WhichResource Should You Use? If you use Khan Academy, you will be using all the prep materialThe Official SAT Study Guideoffers and then some, since Khan Academy offers video lessons, personalized study recommendations, and many more practice questions. Students who appreciate having problems really broken down for them or those who aren’t sure which areas of the SAT they need to study can particularly benefit from Khan Academy. If you would prefer to have your practice tests already printed out for you,The Official SAT Study Guidemay be a useful resource for you, but don't expect it to offer many other advantages since almost all of its material is available for free elsewhere. Conclusion Khan Academy is an organization that has teamed up with College Board to provide free online resources for the SAT. These offerings include quizzes, practice questions, full-length practice tests, video lessons, and personalized recommendations so you can focus your studying on the topics you need to improve the most in. While both Khan Academy and The Official SAT Study Guide are produced in cooperation with the College Board and contain practice tests, Khan Academy is unique in that it offers video lessons and personalized study recommendations.Because it’s fairly new, Khan Academy’s materialsare a bit limited, but they can still be a good resource if you use them along with other prep materials. What's Next? Want to learn more about the new SAT? We have a complete guide to the revised SATthat goes over exactly what changed, what stayed the same, and how it affects you. Not sure if Khan Academy is the right prep method for you? Check out this article which goes over the pros and cons of each test prep method. Are you planning on using those practice tests? Learn how to getthe most realistic practice test experience possible to maximize the accuracy of your scores. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Monday, February 24, 2020
Inflation and GDP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Inflation and GDP - Essay Example The chart above demonstrates the Phillips curve, if we assume that the economy unemployment level is at point 0 and that the inflation level is at point x then if inflation increases to point A then the level of unemployment will reduce from point 0 to point 1. if inflation is at point x and inflation is reduced to point B then the level of unemployment will increase from point 0 to 2. Therefore the cost of reducing inflation is increased unemployment. Inflation is the persistent rise in price in an economy over a long period of time, there are two forms of inflation which include cost push inflation and demand pull inflation. Demand pull inflation is as a result of increased demand that exceeds the supply level, when demand increases and supply remains constant then price of the good rises and this is what refered to as demand pull inflation. Cost push inflation results from a number of interactions in the economy, this type of inflation is related to wage rates and the increased cost of production which results into an increase in price of goods. In an economy cost push inflation occurs where workers demand for higher wage rates, when wage rates are increased the cost of production increases. When the cost of production increases then the price of goods increase leading to inflation. When the price of goods increase consumers who are the workers experience a reduction in their real income and therefore demand for higher pay and the cycle continues, however there are other factors that may lead to inflation example increased money supply, increased government expenditure and reduced borrowing rates, inflation can therefore be reduced by reducing government expenditure, reducing money supply and increasing borrowing rates or interest rates. Long run and the short run Phillips curve: Due to rational expectations in the economy the short run and long run Phillips curve differ, the long run Phillips curve is drawn as a vertical line, this concept is due to the natural rate of unemployment that prevails in the economy, when individuals in the economy rational expectations that inflation will increase then the inflation level will be higher than the expected inflation level, diagram below shows the long run and the short run Phillips curve. The chart above shows the long run and short run Phillips curves, if the economy starts at short run Phillips curve 1 and individuals in the economy have rational expectations that inflation will rise, then inflation will rise but the rational expectations will increase inflation to higher level at the same unemployment level and this will lead to a shift in the short run Phillips curve to short run Phillips curve 2, the point market b on the above diagram shows the non accelerated rate of unemploym
Saturday, February 8, 2020
A history of multicultural America. Questions and answers Essay
A history of multicultural America. Questions and answers - Essay Example The original servants in the Virginia Colony were indentured African servants and indentured White servants who came to the colony intentionally for earning money. However, the African servants that came to the colony were war captives or from enemy tribes (Takaki). Question 2: What is the difference between being an indentured servant and being a slave? Indentured servants were quite different from slaves as they were paid for their work and they worked as free workers bound under some agreement between them and the company for an agreed time period. The slaves were deprived of any rights and salary that were approved for indentured servants (Takaki). Question 3: What angered black American soldiers about the roles that were assigned to them during WWII? During WWII, the Black American soldiers were assigned different roles as compared to White American soldiers, which angered them. The roles were related to labor and non-combating positions. They were regarded unfit for combating due to which, they were assigned labor roles and other odd jobs to perform. Considering discrimination and inequality, they were angered. Even after the war, their testimonies were not collected as they were recorded from White soldiers (Takaki). Question 4: What was the major result of Bacon's Rebellion for blacks? The major result of Bacon’s Rebellion for blacks was increase in black slavery as the farm owners in fear of another rebellion and its aftereffects, started investing in acquiring slaves in place of indentured servants to get rid of any similar issue at all. They turned to Africa for slaves who became their primary source of labor (Takaki). Question 5: What was Thomas Jefferson's attitude toward slavery? How did he treat his own slaves? W hat did he believe should happen to blacks if they were freed from slavery? Jefferson’s attitude towards slavery was incongruous as condemned slavery openly and also had hundreds of slaves working on his plantation. He became the richest person on his land based on the expansion of his cultivated land, buying, and selling of slaves. He had appointed overseers for observing the slaves, their work, and these overseers were allowed to make use of physical violence for making them work. His treatment was cruel that can be noticed in his treatment of Hubbard, his slave who tried to escape. According to Jefferson, black slaves would not be able to feed themselves and take care of themselves if they were freed. He also proposed of deporting the blacks back to Africa after freeing them from slavery considering them inappropriate as free citizens in a White man’s society. Jefferson regarded blacks inferior to white population (Takaki). Question 6: Who was Phillis Wheatley, and what were the arguments that she put forward about blacks and slavery? Phillis Wheatley was a female poet and she was a slave brought from Africa. She had her own experience of ‘slave trade’, ‘forced separation from parents’ and ‘bondage in America’. She regarded slavery as a tyrannical institution depriving blacks of their rights and lives. She emphasized equality of blacks and informed that blacks were religiously equal to whites (Takaki). Question 7: Who was Benjamin Banneker? What stereotype about blacks did he work to dispel? What were his arguments? Benjamin Banneker was a black mathematician. He was also a slave like Wheatley. He dismissed Jefferson’s views about inferiority of intellect in blacks. He dispelled the stereotype about blacks that they were intellectually inferior to whites. He regarded Jefferson as a hypocrite. Banneker explained liberty as a ‘natural right’ for blacks. He talked about abolition of slave ry. He rejected the very notion of black inferiority (Takaki). Question 8: What were some of the ways slaves were managed by their masters? Overseers were appointed for black slaves that supervised them for work and threatened people for working by
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
John Locke helped create Modern Democracy Essay Example for Free
John Locke helped create Modern Democracy Essay John Locke was an English philosopher and was considered as the first British Empiricists. His contributions proved great importance to the development of epistemology and political philosophy during those times, and is regarded as the most influential thinker to contribute to the liberal theory of government. As a whole, John Locke’s importance is reflected by the American Declaration of Independence, since men by nature is free and equal, discarding the thought about having a monarch, as everyone is entitled to become a monarch. It was through John Locke’s theories that people’s eyes were opened to the reality, the fact that all of us are born free. John Locke viewed and claimed that men are naturally free and equal, versus the notion that God appointed a monarch to rule over other people. Some of the things that Locke fought for were the people’s basic rights, including the right to life, liberty, and property – these concerns became the basic foundations of laws in any particular society today (Tuckness). Looking closely at the implication of what John Locke has fought for, it is more of establishing a concrete grounding which can be used as basis of other rules and laws that you prepare. In the context of establishing a government, John Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal in order to justify the understanding regarding the legitimacy of a political government which is the outcome of a social contract that regards the people as the major stakeholders, and that the government will be established to ensure the stability, comfort and enjoyment of these people’s lives, liberty and property. In short, the government, though privileged to preside over the people, still rests on popular consent, and people are entitled to rebel if they see that the government is subversive of what they stand for – the protection of life, liberty and property (Tuckness). Governments, just like what we have today, exist by the consent of the people under the jurisdiction of that government. Their main purpose according to Locke is to protect these people’s rights, as well as promote public good. In relation to this, those governments who are unable to function accordingly can be resisted by the people and e replace with new governments (Blupete. com). Though nowadays it would surely undergo a very long process to replace a current government, people still have the power to pursue these measures if the need be. Locke advocated majority rule, something which is similar to the current democracy that we have today. Modern democracy as we see today can be greatly associated with what John Locke has helped establish and defended many years ago. The purpose is people empowerment, the realization of the people’s rights and fighting to preserve these rights against violators. This has led to the creation of the democratic government that we have today, and through this type of government, we live a free and equal lives, without oppression from other people, as well as injustice in the things we do. We see the democratic government not only as a ruling body in the society but also a guard that would keep watch of out precious inalienable rights as citizens of this country and as human beings. We have instated a higher ruling body to do a set of purpose, and if it doesn’t, it is our responsibility to tear it down and replace it with the ones which are more appropriate and more deserving of the position. It is not the government that runs the people, but instead, it’s the people that run the government. Works Cited: Blupete. com. John Locke (1632-1704):The Philosopher of Freedom. 2006. April 4 2008. http://www. blupete. com/Literature/Biographies/Philosophy/Locke. htm#Government. Tuckness, Alex. Lockes Political Philosophy. 2005. April 4 2008. http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/locke-political/.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Hard as a Rock Writing :: Writing Technology Technological Papers
Hard as a Rock Writing Can anyone ever create a â€Å"new†writing technology from items found in nature? Is it possible to â€Å"invent†something to write with and on that had not been thought of in the past? These were the questions I pondered as I sat outside my house wondering what to do for my â€Å"Invent Your Own Technology†project. At first, I thought I would somehow distill the pollen from the daffodils growing in my front yard. Then I wondered, â€Å"What could I use to write on with my new yellow â€Å"ink†? How long would it last? And what could I write with?†. After that I explored the idea of binding twigs together with weeds and creating letters. I could create a portable alphabet this way. Then again, without a permanent base to affix my letters to, they would scatter with the wind. After yesterday’s wind, I am glad I decided against that idea. Finally, after much deliberation and searching in my yard, I came upon a lasting idea. I was sitting in the grass and suddenly spotted a very sharp stone. â€Å"If only I could find something to etch my words into†, I mused. It was then that I came across a much larger, dark, flat stone. Then I experimented. Indeed, I could use one stone to â€Å"write†on the other stone. The idea was simple. It was almost too simple. My initial questions rushed back to me. Certainly, this writing technology was not new. However, anything I could think of would not be new. It might be a new use of materials for me, but ultimately, somewhere, someone at one time or another has thought to use flowers for ink, dried reeds for parchment, a stick as a stylus, and stones to carve words on to other stones. Even as a child, I remember using shells to write words and draw pictures in the sand at the beach. Suddenly, what to write became the focus of my internal debate. Then I remembered Mark Twain reminiscing, in his article â€Å"The First Writing Machines†about sitting at his typewriter typing over and over, â€Å"The boy stood on the burning deck†(501). Could it be that the technology suddenly became more important then the content of Twain’s writing? Was it the same for me, only in reverse? The technology was so simple; I was at a loss for words.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Regarding Montessorie Education
1) One of the discoveries of Dr. Montessori about the child in the first few years needs to be active to be able to develop. Explain this statement? Ans:Introduction: Dr. Maria Montessorie has really observed a children so carefully, accurately and correctly that she can authoratively talk that â€Å" she has discovered the child†. She has designed such a nice and attractive system for children. a)Purposefull activity and discipline: As per her theory if children are assigned with puposefull task, they achieve the given target. b) Introduction of life Exercise: Even how to handle kid on the regular basis are nicely designed by her with very useful technique and the above points are mentioned below in depth as follows: a)Purposefull avtivity/ Discipline: As it is rightly said that until the age of 5 years, kids learning power is 100% and from 6-8 its 80% and later on it reduces. As I have observed if kids are given purposeful task, they will be very active until they achieve the task and once the task is over, they start loosing the interest. So to make active and develop properly task should be purposefull i. e. with proper aim, which will help them to learn something (educational) and as-well-as they will learn with fun without realizing as burden, because Maria’s theory is so intellectual, that kids learn without much efforts because of materials they used, which kids enjoy and learn. So its like†Play and Fun†Concept. e. g. If I try to teach my son to count the nos 1-20 ,it would’nt attract him, he might say out of compulsion, but won’t learn properly, but same with Maria’s theory help him learn faster like by using rhymes: one two buckle my shoes, by way of counting beads, which are colourful and attractive and some other games by these technique multipurpose activity are involved like he will learn rhymes, counting colours, shapes, etc. So it is very important to choose right kind of material for right age which will help him notonly to be active but scientifically active. The assigned task should be smartly assigned as per their interest and liking or in such a attractive style that they would like to play and which will create their interest and keep them active and curiose until they achieve it, which is helpful for both and in these manner they learn happily and without much interference of adults and efforts. b)Introduction of life Excersice: As the word itself describes day –to-day activites. It’s quite difficuly to deal with kids day-to-day task, but maria has so smartly designed the concept which really makes both life easier in tackling them. As kids are designed in one schedule/ routine, they will get used to it, initially to set the schedule and follow it’s bit difficult, but slowly they get used to it and they know what they need to do. Discipline is very important for their future development but it can be done only with love, respect and patience. If you keep giving them instruction they won’t listen all and it will be boring for them. e. g. 1) If I say my kid, go to toilet, wash your hands, flush the water, wipe ur hands, etc. These are 4 instructions, out of which he will only follow the 1(go to toilet) as that he needs, remaining he won’t. But if you say go to toilet and explain him once, what all he needs to do , he will get used to it and even without saying he will follow. Thus Parents can expect these obedience, but obedience comes only with love and not with force. ) I was trying to teach my kid about vegetables from a book and I realized he did’nt find it interesting, but out of compulsion he was trying to memorise. After reading Maria theory I try to make it very lively by taking him to shopping and showing all the vegetables and explain him and you won’t believe I was shocked, before we came he knew all the vegetables, and formed a vegetable song, because he really enjoyed rather than a b ook, so what I coul’nt do in 2 days he did it in few minutes. And these episode help me realise that right kind of technique is very important for kids. Sometimes Parents always keep on cribbling, that we put lot of efforts, but still he is same,but it’s the parents who don’t understand their need properly. Conclusion: So I agree to her theory that first few years are very crucial for their better development and for good result. One should use right methods to keep them active and develop their good future. So use right theories, material and right environment for their better future which will help you to keep them active and you will achieve good result. 2)†Montessorie method is unique because it is based on her discovering the child†. Expand on this statement. Ans:Maria Montessorie had a genius of observing it and coming to conclusion that children acted in certain manner under certain circumstances, that allowed no interference from adutls and than from house of children Casa dei Bambini was set up in 1907 in san Lorenzo Rome, Italy the 1st House of children. First House of Children was cradle in which Montessorie Method was born with no particular educational motives and here are few of her discoveries as follows. 1) Children love to work Purposefully: As it’s a human nature to work on targeted task and be active until they achieve the task, task help them go in right direction and once they achieve,their confidence is boost up. So to assign a properly designed task, which they waould find interesting is very importantand so right kind od material, environment and direction is needed to give them right task (purposefully). e. g. if u want to teach ur child about animals, rather than using the book, give him some animal puzzle, soft toys or dress him like a animal, explain the feature and create a jungle,etc. In these way he will not only learn about animals, but learn about their characteristics as well as it is very realistic for them and they will enjoy it. 2) Purposefull work lead them to unite their capacities: If the kids are assigned purposeful task, which will also help you to judge their capacities, likes, interest, etc. As they are working individually you can observe their skills and help them to rectify only when they really need you and at the same time you can easily judge their skill. 3)Exercise of Practical life: In day-to-day life we unknowingly put a lot of pressure on kid by giving unwanted instruction and orders and still he won’t learn and you lose your patience. So rather than use some Arithimatic, drama, language, music, toys and lively things which will help them to learn faster and without much efforts and make your life easier. 4) Social level: It means they should be trained on social aspect as well, like sharing behaving, etc, but these comes when they see other kids doing and imitating their adults. I try to tell my kid u shall share your toys with friends and ask before taking their toys†Can I†. He will do only if I also do the same things,as they follow their adults as –well-as in the school they learn kid sharing and helping each other. e. g. on 1 table some are doing messy work, on other some are doing craft activity, the other will come and help to cut, paste, etc and these way without saying they learn and share. 5) Discipline without Enforcement: Everybody loves discipline, but it comes with love, respect and patience. So in some schools children are forced to follow some rules by hook and crook and to achieve these result teachers try to shout on the kids which create disliking about it and won’t learn,but same things by Maria theory helps a lot by way of love and explaining and giving them a time to adapt it and they would love to follow with liking. 6) Meaning of Obedience: It’s every parents and teachers dream to have obedient kids,but nobody realize that obedience comes with love and not with force. One can be onlyobedient, when they have respect for you and at the same time their inner satisfaction is fulfilled. 7) Love of Silence: â€Å"Silence speaks Louder than words†. It has more impact than words. So if kids try to misbehave or overruleyou just give them a Stern look with silent and see the result. It work’s my friend. e. g. when my son try to overrule me, I try to explain but he ignores and than I live him and keep silent for few minutes and he does what I want, as he want me to talk to him. 8) Right Environment/Behaviour: Right environment is necessary for any human being to groq and develop. In Montessorie kids get right environment with right material, trained teachers which help them to explore and gives them freedom which at home is not possible. As they get their freedom, kids of difference age group,trained adults, materials and no adult interference which help them to develop. Conclusion: As per above discoveries we can conclude that she has really observed the child in depth and can authoritatively talk that â€Å"She discovered the child†.
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